My mother cannot handle ANY kind of stress, she lets it build up, and she spews her stress all over anyone she interacts with instead of dealing with it constructively. Mainly ME. Mind you im 30 and married. I have my own stress going on...
She gets VERY hyped up, and manic, and wants things done now now now now now. And if she doesnt get what she wants, she holds things over my head, like the fact that she helped me financially at one point.
She is STRESSING me out majorly, I dread hearing from her when she's like this. She makes my stomach turn to acid when she freaks out on me for asking simple questions, and I can be having a great day and she'll call me with such a nasty attitude sometimes, it ruins my mood completely.
I am desperately seeking some help, techniques, anything to help me cope with this. Please dont tell me to just cut her off, that is not an option.
She does NOT listen to reason when she's in a mood, its like she goes blind and deaf to my words and feelings completely.
my best advice to you is talk together as the adults that you are. The harsh reality of this whole thing is that no individual can completely eliminate stress in their life in a short amount of time. If someone were to attempt such a task, people tend to put even more stress on themselves. Stress is like an addiction, when you try to get rid of it, it just kicks you in the **** harder. But talk to your mom, tell her exactly how she makes you feel. Explain to her that, yes she's helped you out, but no one deserves to be a scapegoat for ones own issues. What's happened in the past stays in the past and you must use this to explain. However, talking to someone is 1 possible action, you could actually do the opposite, and talk to her less. The outcome of this is too hard to predict as i dont know your mother, so obviously you be the judge, but i think that talking to someone less can actually help them realize that something special in their life is missing, and when they bring it up, explain your position and that you don't have the time for it because of all the stress in YOUR life.
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