I can breathe easily through one nostril but the other one is all stuffed and is running like crazy I also keep sneezing like every 10 minutes, does anyone know a quick remedy or something that will make me feel better? I've already taken meds and drank soup, any other tips ? ? ?
I've had chronic sinusitis for years and the thing that helps the most to keep it under control is doing a sinus rinse everyday. My specialist says that for people with sinus problems it's as important as brushing your teeth. Just ask your pharmicist for a NeilMed sinus rinse kit or get a neti pot.
That's life. It happens to me most every day. I have been tested for allergies, and have none. There is nothing you can do about it but wait. Sorry.
If u have taken meds but still problem is there than thing that u have not any problem OR positive thinking.Problem will go away itself.
Gets some Afrin (over the counter) for the congestion...You'll breath a lot better.
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